writer | teacher | translator

Karen Llagas's new chapbook, All Of Us Are Cleaved, is now out from Nomadic Press! You can order here, or get a signed copy from her directly.
Her first collection of poetry, Archipelago Dust, was published by Meritage Press in 2010. A recipient of the 2022 RHINO Founder's Prize, Filamore Tabios, Sr. Memorial Poetry Prize, an Elizabeth George Award and a Hedgebrook residency, her poems, translations, prose and reviews have also appeared in various journals and anthologies, some of which you can read here.
Born and raised in the Philippines, she has an MFA in Writing from Warren Wilson College and a BA from Ateneo de Manila. Karen lectures at UC Berkeley and works as a freelance translator & cultural consultant. She divides her time between San Francisco and Los Angeles with her husband and their two dogs, Boccia & Oso.
Selected past & upcoming events.